Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT: A Guide for Academic Writers

Annals of Biomedical Engineering

提示語或提示 (prompt) 是你提供給ChatGPT的特定指示或查詢,用以引導其行為並產生所需的輸出。提示的組成可包括以下4點:

  1. 指示 (instruction):一個特定的任務或指示,用以引導ChatGPT的輸出/回應內容。
  2. 背景知識 (context):外部或額外的資訊,提供ChatGPT所需的背景知識,幫助它產生更精確和相關的回應。
  3. 輸入資料 (input data):我們希望ChatGPT處理並回答的問題。這是提示的核心,驅動ChatGPT對任務的理解。
  4. 輸出指示(output indicator):指定所需輸出的類型或格式。透過定義我們需要的是短答案、一段文字,或是其它特定格式,以形塑回答架構/內容。



  1. 指示:“撰寫一篇討論職能治療在改善慢性精神病患IADL功能效果的角色的論文。”
  2. 背景知識:“探索職能治療在精神衛生領域的應用,重點在於其潛在的能力以改善慢性精神病患的IADL功能。”
  3. 輸入資料:“提供一個概述,論述職能治療,如何透過特定的治療方法,以改善慢性精神病患的IADL功能。討論這個領域的優點、挑戰,以及可能的未來發展。”
  4. 輸出指示:“請以結構完整的文章格式呈現相關內容,包括導論、主要段落涵蓋職能治療在改善IADL功能方面的關鍵面向,以及結論。字數約1500字。"




(1) 指導型提示:學術寫作者可以使用指導型提示語來引導他們針對特定任務的寫作。例如:

  • “撰寫一篇分析特定職能治療對於慢性精神病患IADL功能成效的優點和限制的比較分析。”
  • “概述在特定職能治療的最新進展,強調其在慢性精神病患IADL功能成效的潛在應用。”

(2) 系統型提示:系統型提示語可以為學術寫作者提供開始點或上下文來發展他們的內容。例如:

  • “在特定職能治療領域,慢性精神病患IADL功能的改善已經顯著…”
  • “新興的疾病管理領域對於慢性精神病患IADL功能的改善做出了巨大的貢獻…”

(3) 問答型提示:學術寫作者可以使用問答型提示語來圍繞特定研究問題結構他們的寫作。例如:

  • “在特定職能治療中,開發針對慢性精神病患IADL功能改善的個別化醫療設備的主要挑戰是什麼?”
  • “討論特定職能治療在慢性精神病患IADL功能改善的角色以及其對再生醫學的潛在影響。”

(4) 上下文型提示:在提示語中提供額外的上下文可以幫助學術寫作者專注於他們主題的特定方面。例如:

  • “考慮到在特定職能治療對於慢性精神病患IADL功能之成效的當前進展,分析這些技術的道德影響和社會影響。”
  • “鑑於近期關於特定職能治療的研究,批判性地評估其在慢性精神病患IADL功能改善的有效性和安全性。”

(5) 混合型提示:學術寫作者可以使用結合多種元素的混合型提示以全面引導他們的寫作。例如:

  • “根據以下的案例研究,討論特定職能治療在改善慢性精神病患IADL功能上面臨的挑戰,並提出可能的策略以提高臨床應用。”



提示在引導ChatGPT上扮演關鍵的角色,但它們也可能會出現一些問題。這些問題包括:模糊、偏見的強化、過度特定 (overfitting)、缺乏上下文、道德考量、無意的副作用,以及對模型限制的不切實際依賴。了解這些問題對於有效地進行提示設計並產生準確、相關、負責任的回應至關重要。







過度特定 (overfitting)
















You are good at teaching academic writing. Please inform me how to give ChatGPT prompts to improve my academic writing? particularly prompts for writing a paragraph, each section of a munscript.

ChatGPT: Sure, using AI like ChatGPT can indeed be very beneficial for improving your academic writing skills. Here are some tips on how you can give prompts to ChatGPT:

General Guidelines:

  • Be Specific: Clearly state what you need. If you want a paragraph on a certain topic, explicitly ask for it.
  • Structure: Structure your request to include context, your desired approach, and the goal of the content.
  • Key Points: If you want to include certain points, list them in the prompt.
  • Language & Tone: State the language and tone you'd like (e.g., academic, formal, etc.)
  • Revision: ChatGPT can help you revise your sentences for clarity, conciseness, and grammar. Paste the text and ask for improvement.

For Writing a Paragraph:

  • "ChatGPT, can you write a paragraph on [insert topic] for me? Please make it academic and include the following points: [insert points]"

For Introduction:

  • "ChatGPT, can you help me write an introduction for my paper on [insert topic]? The paper will explore [briefly describe the main arguments or points]. The tone should be formal and academic."

For Literature Review:

  • "ChatGPT, could you generate a literature review paragraph on the topic [insert topic]? Include an overview of the major research done on this topic in the past decade, and make sure to highlight any gaps or unanswered questions that my research will address."

For Methodology:

  • "ChatGPT, can you help me describe the methodology of my research? It's a [insert type of study, like qualitative or quantitative] study where I [briefly describe what you did]. I need help in detailing this in a clear and precise manner."

For Results:

  • "ChatGPT, I need assistance in presenting my results. I found that [briefly describe your key findings]. Can you help me present this information clearly and accurately in academic language?"

For Discussion/Conclusion:

  • "ChatGPT, can you help me write a discussion and conclusion for my paper? The main findings were [insert findings], and they imply that [describe the implications]."

Remember to be open to revising and refining the content generated by ChatGPT. Though it can be a powerful tool for brainstorming and drafting, the final academic writing piece should thoroughly reflect your understanding and your voice. It's also important to fact-check and ensure that any AI-generated content aligns with the most current and accurate information in your field, especially since the AI's training only includes knowledge up to September 2021.

please give me the common structure of a paragraph in introduction and discussion sections of an academic paper.

ChatGPT: Certainly, the structure of paragraphs in the introduction and discussion sections of an academic paper often follow specific guidelines. Here are the typical components:

Introduction Paragraph Structure

An introduction paragraph should provide a clear overview of the paper's topic, purpose, and scope. It often includes the following:

  • General Statement/Background: The first few sentences should be broad and gradually introduce the topic. It sets the context by mentioning why the topic is important and providing some necessary background information.
  • Literature Review/Narrowing Down: Here, you'll bring up some existing literature on the topic to show what has already been studied and to set your research in context. You'll start to narrow down the focus to your specific research question.
  • Research Gap/Problem Statement: Identify the gaps in current research that your paper will aim to fill or the problem that your research will address.
  • Purpose Statement/Research Question/Hypothesis: Clearly state the purpose of your research or the research question/hypothesis that your study is seeking to answer.
  • Overview of the Paper: Briefly outline what each section of the paper will discuss. This part is not always necessary and depends on the paper's style and length.

Discussion Paragraph Structure

The discussion section interprets the results of the study and explains their significance. Here's a general structure:

  • Summary of Findings: Start by restating the research question and then summarize the main findings of your research.
  • Interpretation: Interpret your findings in the context of the research question. You can also compare them with other studies you mentioned in your literature review. Explain any unexpected results or anomalies.
  • Significance/Implications: Discuss how your findings contribute to the field of study. What new understanding or knowledge are they adding? Discuss any implications for future research or practical applications.
  • Limitations: No study is perfect. Discuss any potential weaknesses or limitations of your research, and how they might affect your findings or interpretations.

Suggestions for Future Research: Based on your findings and the limitations, suggest areas or questions for future research.

Remember, the above structures are general guides. Depending on your research, the paper's requirements, or the academic field, the organization might differ slightly.

please give me "the common structure of a paragraph" in introduction and discussion sections of an academic paper.

ChatGPT: I apologize for any confusion. Let's focus specifically on the structure of a single paragraph in the introduction and discussion sections of an academic paper.

Introduction Paragraph Structure

An individual paragraph in the introduction section typically follows this pattern:

  • Topic Sentence: Each paragraph should start with a sentence that introduces the main idea of that paragraph (relating to the overall topic).
  • Explanation/Elaboration: This part involves explaining the topic sentence in more detail. You can provide necessary context or background information here.
  • Evidence: Depending on the nature of your paper, you might include evidence, such as a reference to a study or data, to support the point you're making.
  • Link: The final part of a paragraph often links back to the overall argument and acts as a transition to the next paragraph.

Discussion Paragraph Structure

A single paragraph in the discussion section could look like this:

  • Topic Sentence: Begin with a sentence that states the key finding you're discussing in this paragraph.
  • Explanation/Elaboration: Explain this finding in more detail, making sure to clearly and directly link it to your research question.
  • Evidence/Support: Refer back to your results, or to other research in the field, to support the point you're making.
  • Interpretation/Implication: Discuss the broader implications of this finding. How does it contribute to the field? What does it mean in the larger context of your research?
  • Link/Transition: Conclude with a sentence that wraps up your point and ideally links to the next paragraph's topic.

Each paragraph in your introduction and discussion sections should have its unique focus while still linking back to your overall argument or research question. Remember to make your writing coherent and cohesive, with each paragraph flowing naturally into the next.

Please inform me how to give ChatGPT prompts to revise my academic writing? particularly give me prompts for revising a paragraph in the sections of introduction and discussion.

ChatGPT: Certainly, to use ChatGPT for revising your academic writing, you should be clear and specific about what you need. Here's how you can give prompts for revising a paragraph in the introduction and discussion sections:

For Introduction:

  • For Content Clarity: "ChatGPT, can you revise this paragraph from my introduction to be more clear and concise? Here's the paragraph: [insert paragraph]."
  • For Argument Coherency: "ChatGPT, I'm trying to argue [insert your argument] in this introduction paragraph. Can you please help me revise it to make my argument more coherent? Here's the paragraph: [insert paragraph]."
  • For Improved Formality and Academic Tone: "ChatGPT, can you please revise this introduction paragraph to make it more formal and suitable for an academic paper? Here's the paragraph: [insert paragraph]."
  • For Grammar and Spelling: "ChatGPT, can you check this paragraph for grammar and spelling errors? Here's the paragraph: [insert paragraph]."

For Discussion:

  • For Content Clarity: "ChatGPT, can you help me revise this paragraph from my discussion section to be more clear and concise? Here's the paragraph: [insert paragraph]."
  • For Improved Interpretation and Implication: "ChatGPT, I want to highlight [insert the point] in this discussion paragraph. Can you please help me revise it to make this point stand out? Here's the paragraph: [insert paragraph]."
  • For Improved Formality and Academic Tone: "ChatGPT, can you please revise this discussion paragraph to make it more formal and appropriate for an academic paper? Here's the paragraph: [insert paragraph]."
  • For Grammar and Spelling: "ChatGPT, can you check this paragraph for grammar and spelling errors? Here's the paragraph: [insert paragraph]."

Remember, while ChatGPT can be a great tool for revising your academic writing, it's crucial to thoroughly review the changes it suggests. Make sure the AI's revisions accurately represent your arguments and align with your unique voice and style.




提示工程-以 PEDro 量表為例

以中文撰寫的論文,如何請 ChatGPT 翻譯成英文

My GPTs 協助評析論文