


例如以下句子,合作者建議feeling desperate應改為desperate feelings

a statement in which a patient describes feeling desperate after experiencing an incidental stroke would be identified as an empathic opportunity.

原來寫的和合作者建議的兩者的文法都沒有錯誤,但是意思是不太一樣的。但一時之間不知該如何說明,於是我直接詢問ChatGPT,終於釐清了用法的差異。在這裡empathic opportunity指的是當病人提到他感到絕望,就是一個需要同理他的機會。所以用原來的寫法才符合,若是改為desperate feelings,只要病人提到這種感覺(不一定是病人感到這種感覺)就會是被認為是同理機會,而這並不符合原來我想表達的意思。

👨: For example, a statement in which a patient describes feeling desperate after experiencing an incidental stroke would be identified as an empathic opportunity.
in this sentence above, should I change the “feeling desperate” to “desperate feeling”

🤖: In the sentence “For example, a statement in which a patient describes feeling desperate after experiencing an incidental stroke would be identified as an empathic opportunity,” “feeling desperate” is correctly used as an adjective phrase modifying the noun “statement.”
Changing it to “desperate feeling” would make it a noun phrase and could alter the intended meaning of the sentence. “Desperate feeling” might be interpreted as referring to a specific feeling or emotion that the patient is experiencing, rather than describing the patient’s overall emotional state.
Therefore, it is recommended to keep the original phrase “feeling desperate” in this sentence.

同樣的,有一些英文的用法在翻譯成中文時好像沒有差異,但用英文卻是有不同的意思。例如說”consensually” and “Simultaneously”的差異。在我的文章中,要計算信度時,只有兩個評分者「同時」認為是某一類的資料點才會被使用。這時我應該要用”consensually”,而不是”Simultaneously”,因為評分者其實是獨立評分的,這裡的「同時」認為,應該是「一致」認為。

👨: you are an English teacher, tell me the difference between “consensually” and “Simultaneously” when using them in sentences

🤖: As an AI language model, I’m happy to explain the difference between “consensually” and “simultaneously.”
“Consensually” refers to doing something with mutual agreement or consent. It indicates that all parties involved have agreed to something willingly and without coercion. For example, “They consensually decided to sign the contract.”
On the other hand, “Simultaneously” refers to something happening at the same time as something else. It indicates that two or more things are occurring together, simultaneously or concurrently. For example, “The two events occurred simultaneously.”
So, the key difference between these two words is that “consensually” describes agreement or consent, while “simultaneously” describes things happening at the same time.



👨: the whole paragraph is here: “One rater (HE) conducted empathic opportunities identification and empathic behaviors rating with dataset A twice, 8 weeks apart. When the rater completed the first-round rating, she sent all the transcripts, results, and the other related materials to the primary author. She did not access the information thereafter .”
the rater did actually access to the information at the second time point. So, I should keep the last sentence or modify it?

🤖: If the rater did access the information again at the second time point, then the sentence “She did not access the information thereafter” is not accurate and should be modified to reflect the correct information.
Here’s a possible revised version of the paragraph:
“One rater (HE) conducted empathic opportunities identification and empathic behaviors rating with dataset A twice, 8 weeks apart. When the rater completed the first-round rating, she sent all the transcripts, results, and other related materials to the primary author. At the second time point, the rater accessed the information again to conduct the second-round rating.”
This revised paragraph clarifies that the rater did access the information again at the second time point. By adding “At the second time point,” it conveys that the rater accessed the information again after the first-round rating was completed and the materials were sent to the primary author.

👨: what about I change the last sentence to “She did not access the information thereafter until the second time point”

🤖: Yes, changing the last sentence to “She did not access the information thereafter until the second time point” would be an accurate way to convey that the rater did not access the information again until the second round of rating.
This revised sentence makes it clear that the rater did not access the information between the completion of the first-round rating and the beginning of the second-round rating.
Therefore, this revised sentence accurately conveys the intended meaning of the paragraph and is a clear way to indicate that the rater did not access the information again until the second time point.


👨: in the last sentence, “Since both emotion and challenge are common types of empathic opportunities, the training course for raters should consider emphasizing more on emotion to improve rating reliability.” I would like to express that both emotion and challenge are common types of empathic opportunities but the reliability of rating the behaviors responding to emotion is lower than to challenge. The training thus should emphasize on emotion. Is the last sentence cover what I mean?

🤖: If you want to express that the reliability of rating behaviors in response to emotion is lower than in response to challenge, then the last sentence may need to be revised slightly. Here’s one possible way to do so:
“Since both emotion and challenge are common types of empathic opportunities, but the reliability of rating behaviors in response to emotion is lower than for challenge, the training course for raters should place greater emphasis on emotion to improve rating reliability.”
This revised sentence makes it clear that while both emotion and challenge are common types of empathic opportunities, the reliability of rating behaviors in response to emotion is lower. Therefore, the training course should prioritize training on how to identify and rate behaviors in response to emotion to improve rating reliability.

👨: is this way better “Since both emotion and challenge are common types of empathic opportunities, but the reliability of rating behaviors responding to emotion was lower. The training course for raters should consider emphasizing more on emotion to improve rating reliability.”

🤖: Yes, this revised sentence effectively conveys your intended meaning. It makes it clear that the reliability of rating behaviors responding to emotion was lower, and that the training course should place more emphasis on emotion to improve rating reliability.



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