如何準備給予 ChatGPT提示 (prompts)或 問題


提示可分成 4 大架構【May 3, 2023 增加,其它內容為2月21日撰寫】

  1. 給予明確任務或目的(包含角色、任務描述或背景說明,如「一位治療師」擬「設計治療活動」給「xxx 個案」)
  2. 提供相關/參考資訊(如,提供治療活動之要求或相關資訊+個案資訊)
  3. 設定具體回應內容,含內容/格式要求或範本(如,【以表格呈現重點與內容說明】、【以條列重點包含說明】、或【包含下列重點xxxx】)
  4. 檢視ChatGPT回應後,補充提問或修改上述1~3內容。【這頗必要,除了確保回應內容/品質,也改良提示】


  1. 明確性:儘量提供具體的需求。例如,不只要求「摘錄文章重點」,而是「摘錄文章中關於治療活動規畫的具體步驟」。
  2. 修正與補充:如果初次的回應不符合期望,宜進一步修正提示或提供更多背景資訊,以獲得更精確的回應。
  3. 建議提示:如果不確定如何給予提示/提問,可以請求ChatGPT提供問題的建議,意即可請 ChatGPT提供多種提示之建議。
  4. 提供或提出回應格式:提供想要的回應格式,如「表格」、「條列」或「段落」,可以幫助獲得組織良好的回應。
  5. 要求逐步分析/回應:要求ChatGPT先進行計算或分析,再提供回應,以確保回應的正確性。
  6. 要求事實確認:在提供回應前,要求ChatGPT先確認事實或資料的正確性。
  7. 編號與標:如果有多項任務或資料,可以使用編號或標記,如#1, #2等,以便於參考。
  8. 再次確認:可請ChatGPT再次確認答案,以確保其完整性和正確性。
  9. 使用分隔符號以設定/區隔提示與資訊:對於複雜的提示,使用分隔符號如###或""",可以幫助ChatGPT更好地理解和分隔不同部分的內容。
  10. 使用命令:在ChatGPT中,斜線(/)可以用來指示特定的命令或操作,如/translate或/language。
  11. 分段提供資料:如果需要提供大量資料,可以分段或編號(如#1~#5)上傳,然後指定ChatGPT對特定部分進行操作或整體彙整。


A. Ask a clear question: Ask a clear question that can be answered with specific information. Avoid asking open-ended or ambiguous questions that may not yield a clear answer. For example, instead of asking "What are some tips for being a good occupational therapist?", ask "What are some effective communication strategies for building rapport with clients?"

B. 以下是隨意先問再持續釐清與追問

e.g., provide guideines for an occupational therapy student to use the ChatGPT to improve their occupational-therapy related knowledge

She replied: 

1. Identify specific areas of occupational therapy you want to learn more about: Before using ChatGPT, identify the specific areas of occupational therapy that you want to learn more about. This could include topics like pediatric occupational therapy, sensory integration, hand therapy, or mental health occupational therapy.

2. Frame your questions carefully: When using ChatGPT, make sure to frame your questions carefully. Be specific and concise in your question to help ChatGPT better understand what you are looking for. For example, instead of asking "What is occupational therapy?", you could ask "What are the key principles of occupational therapy?" 


我再追問:"provide more details and examples for "Frame your questions carefully"

She replied:

Framing your questions carefully when using ChatGPT is important to ensure that you get the most relevant and accurate information possible. Here are some tips and examples to help you frame your questions effectively:

Be specific: Avoid asking broad questions that may yield irrelevant or inaccurate information. Instead, be specific about what you want to know. For example, instead of asking "What is occupational therapy?", ask "What are some examples of occupational therapy interventions for improving balance in older adults?"

Use keywords: Incorporate keywords into your question to help ChatGPT better understand what you are looking for. For example, if you are interested in learning about occupational therapy interventions for stroke patients, use keywords such as "stroke", "occupational therapy", and "interventions" in your question.

C. 問ChatGPT如何問她問題:"how to ask ChatGPT to improve my academic writing. some examples are expected."

Consider the context: Be mindful of the context in which you are asking your question. For example, if you are working with a specific client population, consider how that may impact the information you are looking for. Ask questions that are relevant to your specific context. For example, instead of asking "What are some general occupational therapy interventions for children?", ask "What are some effective sensory integration interventions for children with autism?"

Prioritize your questions: If you have multiple questions, prioritize them based on their relevance and importance. This can help you get the most out of your time using ChatGPT and ensure that you are getting the information you need.

By framing your questions carefully, you can ensure that ChatGPT provides you with the most accurate and relevant information possible.

provide more details and examples for "Ask a clear question" and "Consider the context"

Sure, here are more details and examples for asking a clear question and considering the context when using ChatGPT as an occupational therapist:

Ask a clear question:

Asking a clear question is important to ensure that ChatGPT understands what you are looking for and provides you with accurate and relevant information. Here are some tips and examples for asking clear questions:

Be specific and concise: Avoid using vague or general language in your question. Instead, use specific terms and language to convey your question clearly. For example, instead of asking "What are some tips for helping patients with disabilities?", ask "What are some effective techniques for adapting the environment to facilitate independent living for patients with spinal cord injuries?"

Avoid multiple questions: Asking multiple questions in one sentence can be confusing for ChatGPT and may result in an incomplete or inaccurate answer. Instead, ask one clear question at a time. For example, instead of asking "What are some effective interventions for improving executive functioning and attention in children with ADHD and autism?", break it down into two separate questions: "What are some effective interventions for improving executive functioning and attention in children with ADHD?" and "What are some effective interventions for improving executive functioning and attention in children with autism?"

Use simple language: Use simple and easy-to-understand language in your question to help ChatGPT understand what you are looking for. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to ChatGPT. For example, instead of asking "What are some effective sensory-motor integration techniques for children with developmental coordination disorder?", ask "What are some effective exercises to help children with difficulty in coordination?"

Consider the context:

Considering the context is important to ensure that ChatGPT provides you with information that is relevant and applicable to your specific situation. Here are some tips and examples for considering the context when using ChatGPT:

Think about the client population: If you are working with a specific client population, consider how that may impact the information you are looking for. For example, if you work with children, you might ask, "What are some effective play-based interventions for promoting social skills in children with autism?" or "What are some effective sensory integration techniques for children with sensory processing difficulties?"

Be mindful of the setting: Consider the setting in which you work or the environment in which your clients live. For example, if you work in a hospital, you might ask, "What are some effective occupational therapy interventions for promoting independence in activities of daily living for patients in acute care settings?" or "What are some effective interventions for preventing pressure ulcers in immobile patients?"

Consider your own expertise: Think about your own areas of expertise or interest and use that to guide your questions. For example, if you are interested in assistive technology, you might ask, "What are some effective assistive technology devices for promoting independence in activities of daily living for older adults with visual impairments?"

By asking clear questions and considering the context, you can help ChatGPT provide you with information that is accurate, relevant, and applicable to your specific situation.

more examples to be added...



以中文撰寫的論文,如何請 ChatGPT 翻譯成英文

提示工程-以 PEDro 量表為例

My GPTs 協助評析論文